Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Every Organization Common Basic Objective †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Every Organization Common Basic Objective? Answer: Introducation Every organization has a common basic objective - consumer loyalty, especially if they are encountering any economic situation like the one global markets were facing in 2009. In regards to such situations, consumers are the most important but limited resource for organizations and their loyalty is directly influencing the profit levels. Moreover, it seems that in dire needs and uncertain situations, there arises a higher need of retaining customers with the help of action implementation with the aim of gaining their trust. It has been seen from prior research that a positive corporate accounting image has a positive influence on the thoughts and responses of customers towards products and services of the organization (Coelho Henseler, 2012). In several instances, this has not acted as a one-dimensional concept, even though people have built up an image from a large number of varied perceptions. Corporate image and corporate reputation have, over the years, been linked to consumer behaviour. Satisfaction is another significant concept to be considered while studying consumer behaviour. Corporate image has a tendency of influencing consumer behaviour with the help of the companys products and services, and the evaluation of the company itself. Consumers have an inclination of feeling satisfied with their experiences of an organization if the organization is seen as being efficient in providing services. Consumers build up their attitudes and judgements towards an organization and even permit them in designing better strategies for meeting overall customer needs and at the same time be more successful and profitable in the long Business (Prez et al., 2013). References Coelho, P. S., Henseler, J. (2012). Creating customer loyalty through service customization.European Journal of Marketing,46(3/4), 331-356. Prez, A., del Mar Garca de los Salmones, management., Rodrguez del Bosque, I. (2013). The effect of corporate associations on consumer behaviour.European Journal of Marketing,47(1/2), 218-238.

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